When your needs request high-expertise on engineering design and construction projects, Arcadia is the go-to engineering design company for technically-innovative and winning results.
The way we stand as a business and how we interact with the world as a member of the business community, as an employer and as a consumer, is driven by integrity, innovation and collaboration.
Arcadia takes corporate responsibility seriously. Our mission is to engage and advance our staff and stakeholder partners toward sustainable projects. We behave responsibly and we are continually improving in all fields of our activities within the workplace, the marketplace and the community.
We strive to provide a company that people are proud to work for, recognizing the importance of sustainability and showing respect for the communities living in the areas where we work.
Ethics and Integrity Arcadia operates from an area of no vested interests. Our role includes holding the ring as honest brokers. We are correct in all meanings of the word and tell our clients what they must hear. We take account of the human factors and we are prepared to listen, but then set out our interpretation of the actual position with firmness and clarity. We reinforce our cultural values in many positive ways and we run the necessary verification in order to maintain our standards. We believe integrity begins with the people at the top and must continue at all levels of leadership, including the smallest groups.
Policy on Quality Arcadia is committed to undertaking its business activities in a responsible manner, thereby maintaining the trust, respect and confidence of its customers, joint venture partners, suppliers and sub-contractors. This commitment ensures that the reputation of all the parties involved is maintained and enhanced. We strive to improve all areas of our business through knowledge, understanding and compliance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements and accepted standards, innovative ideas and practical solutions. Every employee plays an active part in supporting the implemented policy of Arcadia and remains responsible for our actions.
Environment and Sustainability Delivering successful solutions that show respect for the environment is a core ideology of our business model. We continue to research and check the energy and environmental impact of the construction and operation of buildings. We play a significant role as a leading advisor to major clients. We know that clients want their buildings to use less energy, produce less CO2, use less water and create less waste during construction and operation.
Health and Safety Arcadia aims at achieving the highest standard of health and safety performance in all its products, services and work activities. Effective management of health and safety, which is one part of our commitment to continuous improvement, is essential for the company’s overall business performance and for the success of all our projects. However, our focus on safety reaches far beyond simply protecting the interests and employees of Arcadia. To achieve this, our technical employees undertake refresher courses, as required, in order to maintain their knowledge of safety issues. We certify that our staff is well trained in the respect of health and safety.